
The composition is the nature of something’s ingredients or elements.
Pie charts, stacked bar charts, stacked column charts, and stacked area charts are often used to visualize composition.

Pie chart

The pie chart is the favorite chart to visualize the composition of an element.

This example shows the composition of Air.


Avoid using many ingredients or elements in one Pie chart. Otherwise, the viewers will get confused.
In the case of many ingredients or elements; break the data down and visualize them on more than one pie chart. Feel free to use other charts to visualize many ingredients or elements such as sunburst chart, stacked bar, and column charts.

Stacked bar chart

Stacked bar charts is often used to visualize composition.

In this example, the chart visualizes a composition of Air.

Stacked column chart

Like the stacked bar chart, stacked column chart is also used to visualize composition.

Stacked area chart

Stacked area chart are also used to show composition.

In this example, the chart visualize the composition of the world population per continent


Sunburst is the best chart to visualize composition of many elements.

This demo visualizes the browser market share and the version of each browser.